Plan Limits Explained
Learn more about plan limits
The following limits apply to new plans, starting from July 2024
This page provides detailed information about the various limits associated with your plan. Understanding these limits ensures you can make the most of your subscription without encountering unexpected restrictions.
Note that not all limits apply to every plan, higher-tier plans may have different limits or additional features that lower-tier plans do not include. Each limit is explained in terms of what it measures and how it impacts your usage.
Always refer to Account Limits section in your profile. There you can find actual limits according to the subscriptions you have.
List of Limits
Number of unique users invited to your spaces
If you invite a user to N spaces, they are still counted as 1 user
Limit on number of users is shared between spaces and organizations you own
Read more about users and space permissions here
Number of rules you can create
The limit is shared in all your private spaces and spaces in organizations you own
The distribution of the rules between spaces and organizations does not matter
You can create all your rules in one space or distribute them in more spaces
Individual versions of rules are counted separately
In case you have workflows, the limit acts as the maximum for the sum of rules and workflow nodes for the whole account. For the detailed explanation of how this limit works, see Workflow Limits.
Solver API Calls
Number of Solver API calls that you can do in 1 month
Counted equally for all types of rules
Includes calls made from test bench as well as from external systems
Includes only external calls, i.e., when you call a rule from another rule, this call is not counted
The limit resets on your plan's billing date, which can be found on your dashboard
Details how to solve rules using Solver API can be found here
Rule Versioning
The ability to create another version of your rule
More information about rule versioning can be found in dedicated section
Rule Import / Export
The ability to migrate your rules using export and import
Applies equally to all export formats
The ability to create and manage workflow
More information about workflows can be found in dedicated section
The number of organizations you can create and own
There is no limit on the number of organizations that you can be invited to
Find out more about organization and its structure here
The number of teams you can create in each of your organizations
Information on how to create and manage team in organization you can find here
The number of policies you can create in each of your organizations
Read more about policies and permissions in organization's spaces in dedicated section
Rule Comparison
The ability to compare individual rules and versions of rules
Applies to all rule types
Read more about rule comparison here
Rule Timeout
The maximum execution time for a rule solve
Applies equally to all rule types
If the execution time exceeded the limit, the solve will return an error
Decision Tables Rows
The maximum number of rows you can have in a decision table
Max HTTP functions
The maximum number of HTTP functions you can use in a rule
See section dedicated to using http functions for more details
BI and Audit API
Allows to create a BI API key and collect data from the rule solver
The number of Audit Logs API calls per 1 month
limit resets on audit billing date, can be found in account dashboard
can have different billing date from your plan billing date, depending on a date your Audit Logs add-on have been activated
See section Audit Logs and BI API for information about creating audit logs and using BI and Audit API
Allows you to set up and use your custom single sign-on with DecisionRules
For more details about supported identity providers and set up tutorials please refer following sections: Single Sign On, Setup Single Sing On
Kafka API
Allows you to use Solver API asynchronously using Apache Kafka Solver API
More details about setting Kafka Solver API can be found in documentation article dedicated to it
Management API
Allows you to use the Management API
The ability to generate a Management API key
The ability to manage your rules and folders with external API calls
Information about how to use Management API and all its endpoints can be found here in section dedicated to it
Specifies the minimum guaranteed fraction of time during which the service responds to API calls
Last updated
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