On-Premise / Private Cloud
DecisionRules on-premise / private cloud release notes
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DecisionRules on-premise / private cloud release notes
Last updated
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Here you can find the release notes for the on-premise & private cloud version of DecisionRules.
Offline Licensing capability
UI performance and usability improvements
Bug fixes
Improving the usage of Redis when solving rules.
Added support for Redis cluster mode. This mode can be enabled using an environment variable: REDIS_MODE. More information can be found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/database-caching-strategies-using-redis/redis-cluster-modes-enabled-and-disabled.html
Added Support for AWS Elasticache Serverless
Added support for Redis read replicas. It is now possible to specify a Redis connection string for write replicas and read replicas. Connections for write replicas use an existing environment variable: REDIS_URL. A new environment variable has been created for read replica connections: READER_REDIS_URL.
Added a new option to specify a Redis TLS certificate using a file path. This is possible using the new environment variable: REDIS_CACERT_PATH.
Added the ability to terminate the Redis connection if the specified certificate verification fails. This is possible using a new environment variable: REDIS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED
Major release with important new features and improvements
New workflow feature
Decision table design and functionality upgrade
Calculation columns in decision tables
New "Integrations" section accessible for each rule. It contains ready-to-use code snippets for all the DecisionRules' SDKs, as well as two new additions:
Excel Add-in (read more)
Swagger implementation
Redesign of the user authentication and onboarding pages (functionality remains the same)
Minor redesign of the DecisionRules app - font, button and icon changes
Performance boost
Minor bug fixes
See changes in detail on a dedicated page
Minor bug fixes for organization spaces
Support for defining TLS certificate when connecting to mongo DB. More information: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/node/current/fundamentals/connection/tls/#provide-certificate-filepaths
Add support for measurement. Adds the ability to enable measurement using the new env variable: MEASUREMENTS. If measurement is enabled, we get advanced statistics on how long it took to solve the rule.
Updated packages on both client and server, thus removing some known vulnerabilities.
Redis performance improvement
Minor bug fixes
Bug fix in scripting rule solver. Should have no effect on rule evaluation.
Fixed minor issues with CosmosDB
Organizations serve for managing users, spaces, and access control under one billing account. Read more here.
Design improvements
Menu item Users & Roles renamed to Space Settings
New menu item Organizations
Navigation bar
Indicator of Current Space moved to left side of navigation
Select space dialog. Read more here.
Folder API
New addition to our Management API that let's you programatically Create, Read, Update (move and rename) and Delete Folders (including their contents)
Folder Path Functionality
The new Folder API and some of our older endpoints can now target rules and folders not only by their IDs or Aliases but by leveraging the ?path=/ query parameter.
Console logs
Refactored creating and saving console logs
Console logs now work in bulk solve
Note that format of console log data has been changed
Minor bug fixes
Fixed edge case bug in DecisionTree solver - automated retesting of decision trees recommended
Minor bug fixes
Decision Tree Comparison - Added a feature that lets users compare two Decision Trees and easily identify the differences between them. Read more here.
Rule Lock - Added a feature that lets users with according permission lock / unlock rule. Read more here.
Added excluded and included condition columns options in SOLVE function.
Portuguese language support - We are now fully supporting Portuguese.
Updated packages on both client and server, thus removing some known vulnerabilities.
Minor bug fixes.
New isolated virtual machine environment for scripting rules solver
Improved error messages in scripting rules. Note that this improvement involves a small change in behavior.
Rule evaluation timeout is now returning status code 400 instead of 408
Vulnerability fixes
Decision Table Comparison - Added a feature that lets users compare two Decision Tables together to identify differences between the tables. Read more here.
Export Folder - exporting the selected folder and its contents to JSON format
Import Folder - importing folder and its contents into the selected folder
Show Dependencies - presents all dependencies in a tree-like structure. This visualization is providing providing a clear overview of how rules are interconnected
Added new endpoints to Management API for export folder, import folder, show dependencies
Minor bug fixes
Bug fixes
We added a Teamwork indicator for rules, which tells you who is currently viewing the same rule as you. This functionality allows you to avoid interference between changes made by multiple individual editors at the same time (BETA version)
Added filter in folders - you can filter rules by state (published/unpublished)
Improvements in the UI
Notification toaster can now be closed by a click
Change of format in the default string logger
Added Spanish language
Improved error handling in Kafka Solver
Verbose logging
Added ability to set pool size for db
Changed solver call policy, where you are now able to call rules from the app itself without api keys read permissions.
Added the functionality of comparing scripting rules. It is now possible to view the differences between two scripting rules and edit the primary scripting rule, reflecting the differences in any way you like. This feature will greatly simplify handling conflicts between distinct versions of scripting rules.
Decision table performance optimization (unsubscribing from observables, less rendering after changes)
Added HTTP calls limit for decision trees and scripting rules (applies the same limit policy as decision tables)
New improved server-side infrastructure for rule, rule-flow and APIs
Introduced wide support for using rule alias instead of rule ID in almost all endpoints of Solver & Management API
Improved security and performance, mostly regarding operations with rules (and rule flows), like getting, solving, and managing rules
Bug fixes.
Revised Kafka integration for the solver.
Changed solver call policy, where you are now able to call rules from the app itself without API keys read permissions.
Columns of Decision Tables are now resizable! Drag and drop the edges of column headers to resize their corresponding columns.
Improved the search functionality of Decision Tables.
Decision Tables now remember your scroll position and automatically scroll there when you refresh the application or leave and re-enter the table.
Added support for languages and a translation to Czech
Minor changes of the test bench
Change docker containers to rootless. Now the server and BI containers run under a non-root user. The client container is released in two types with respect to this option. The type can be selected using the tag.
Bug fixes and improved performance
environment variable that allows setting a ca certificate for TLS connection with Redis.
Improvement in several functions, namely AND, OR, TEST, SOLVE & the HTTP functions. These now accept null and {} as valid inputs. This further expands their possible usage. Note that this improvement involves a small change in behavior.
Bug fix of the Rule Alias field and the Simple JSON editor.
Bug fix concerning the interpretation of numbers in functions.
Improvement in the evaluation of empty array. From now on, empty array is considered a valid value and can enter the evaluation of functions. This allows to work with empty array in the context of functions. This improvement involves a change in behavior. If there is a chance of passing an empty array as input data in one of your decision tables or decision trees, please test the respective rule to make sure the present change does not affect your logic.
Improvement in the evaluation of the functions EQ, NE and ARRAY_INCLUDES. These functions now accept null and {} as valid inputs. Thanks to this, you may for example check if a variable equals null. This improvement involves a change in behavior.
environment variable that allows to set the duration (in milliseconds) for which the server pings the Redis server.
Fix docker image vulnerabilities
environment variable that allows setting whether the timestamp in the logs will be in UTC or not
Added support for using functional expressions (like functions or variables) inside JSON within functions. Thanks to this, you can freely combine objects, arrays and the DecisionRules functions to introduce custom logic. This is a very powerful tool when using integration functions like SOLVE or for advanced data transformations. Read more about JSON and functions.
Update in the evaluation of variables. We are no longer casting primitive values (e.g. numbers or boolean values) saved within variables to string; instead, we keep their original type. Together with this change, we have improved the ability of several functions to cast their arguments to the type they need for evaluation. Please beware that this enhancement involves a change in behavior.
Multiple minor bug fixes.
Small improvement in the rule flow designer layout.
Bug fix in the Management API. Creating rule via Management API now returns an error when the rule with given ruleId
and version
already exists.
Bug fix involving duplicate rule aliases on multiple spaces.
Improved zoom in decision trees.
Status of rules is now visible thanks to coloring in the folder menu.
New logger now allows to have logs in JSON format.
Added the ELSE operator in decision tables which allows, among other things, to add the so called default row. The ELSE operator returns true if no row has been triggered before so it is useful for defining fallback rows.
Bug fix involving duplicate rule aliases on multiple spaces of the same user.
Improved hinting for functions, in particular their arguments. You can now see the hint as you write the function.
Bugfix involving calling of rules in foreign spaces of the same user.
Bugfix in the interpretation of the backslash character. This bugfix involves a change in behavior. Please consult our documentation of Functions for details about the current behavior. If you were not using double backslash or backslash in combination with the double or single quotes character, you do not need to worry about this change.
Bugfix involving the situation in which an input cell of type function is evaluated to a non-boolean value. From now on, such a case will result in an error and the condition will be interpreted as false. This bugfix involves a change in behavior. However, it only affects ill-defined rules.
Enhancement in the behavior of OR function. When a single argument is found to be true, the other values are not validated anymore (they do not even need to be boolean) and the result is automatically casted to true. This enhancement involves a small change in behavior.
New options
property allowing to configure the rule solver. For a decision table, it is now possible to include or exclude specific condition columns when calling the solver. See the documentation of Rule Solver API for details.
Audit is now active in Trial by default so new users can freely test this feature.
Adjusted message when owner of teammate space does not have activated Audit.
Added the ruleAlias
property to all the rules and rule flows. Rule alias works the same way as rule ID but can be edited by the user and is better human-readable. It can be used to refer to rules in other rules as well as in API calls. It stays untouched when the rule is cloned or exported and imported which greatly simplifies manipulation with rules.
Changing invitation to Space. You can select from users which you have in other spaces now.
Shrunk cells now have the same width for all columns. This allows for better scrolling of Decision Tables without horizontal jumps.
Bugfix in getting right limits when saving RuleFlow.
Bugfix with invite users into space. Now is validation case insensitive.
Bugfix debug data on DecisionTree
Bugfix defining and solving RuleFlow
Bugfix invitations Bugfix import rules from xslx and csv Improve function validation
Added ROUNDE DecisionRules function that rounds number to even
Fix docker image vulnerabilities
bug fixes
added functionality where you can add rule of type RuleFlow to the vertex in another RuleFlow rule
improved DecisionTable solver performance
Fixed the bug when the function did not display its value if it was a simple integer (1, 10, etc.).
minor bug fixes
fixed buggy date functions added
enhanced DecisionRules table function validations
added option to omit quotes on simple strings, complex string expressions (more than 2 words or string containing special characters [+,-,,/]) still needs quotes on the start and on the end.
added support for arithmetic operations (,-,/,+,%) in functions (1+1).
functions SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, MEDIAN, CONCAT, CONCAT_WS, AND, OR now can accept array as parameter. functions EQ and NEQ now accepts arrays and objects.
improved DecisionTable performance on big rules.
added new functions hinting in DecisionRules tables, trees and SccriptingRules new HTTP functions that can be called within DecisionTable or DecisionTree and perform basic HTTP calls with methods as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. Documentation page: Integration functions
new SOLVE functions that can perform solving of other rules within DecisionTable, DecisionTrees and ScriptingRules. Documentation page: Integration functions
enhanced functions editor for DecisionTable and DecisionTrees
enhanced visuals of DecisionTable
enhanced visuals of DecisionRules dashboard panel
Added possibility to perform an offline invitation to the space.
fixed bug with DecisionTable filter
fixed bug with moving rules to another space
support of async/await in ScriptingRules
added RE function that creates ReGex expresion.
added TEST, MATCH, REPLACE, SPLIT that accepts RE functions as arguments
Completely new feature that allows users to audit their rule solves. If the audit logging is turned on a given rule, it will create a detailed audit log with useful information after every solve of that rule. Audits have information about the Input/Output, execution time, timestamp, rule metadata, debug data and other useful information.
Click here to learn more about Audit Logging.
Bug fixes
Improved design
Enhanced automatic vulnerability scanning
Transition to Node.js 16 LTS
Added new functions ARRAY_REDUCE, PICK and improved function DATE
Removed vulnerabilities and reduced unnecessary packages
Fixed bug with importing rules in xlsx format
Added new functions ARRAY_MAP, ARRAY_AND & ARRAY_OR
Bug fixes
Walkthrough tutorial
New visual debug mode for Decison Tables and Decision Trees
Easy copy/paste SDK examples in test bench
Improved space statistics design
Modified debug console outputs to be more human readable
Bug fixes
Improved solver performance
RuleFlow is now callable within ScriptingRules
Fixed CosmosDB compability mode.
Added new env. variables for specifiing database type
Improved TELEMETRY, log now contains rule id
Telemetry enables measurement of SOLVER API performance on request basis
Telemetry can be switched on using environment variable
Minor bug fix
Brand new way to express your business rules. You can use IF, THEN, ELSE, CONDITIONS and RESULTS elements. Everything is draggable! You can use Decision Trees with current Solver API, so you don't have to make integration changes. Decision Trees also works with Scripting rules and RuleFlow and of course Decision Trees are supported in Management API and new SDKs
Redesigned app layout to better match current corporate design
Generate PDF from Decision Tree
New option to log in via Microsoft account
Rules sorting according name and last user attributes
Preset Values in Test Bench
Clear Debug console
Minor bug fixes
Non-technical user friendly Test bench
Decision Tables
Ability to specify valid-from and valid-to on each row
Management API Changes
Create RuleFlow
Update RuleFlow
Read RuleFlow
Delete RuleFlow
Export RuleFlow with all rules
Import RuleFlow with all rules
Password can be longer than 14 characters
Import / Export RuleFlows with all rules in one package
RuleFlow general improvement
Minor bug fixes
New environmental variables for SSO
minor bug fixes
excel export now has data types in result columns
minor bug fixes
see version 1.6.0 of public cloud
New Login / Register / SSO Forms
New Evaluate All strategy for decision tables
Minor bug fix
Added tags for all types of rules
Added rule tagging in rule management API
Fixed bug with page redirecting
Fixed bug with dates computation
You can now delete user in on-premise version
License key are now limited by number of users, not running instances
Better Rule Variables validations
Fixed slow DT loading on huge rules.
DT header is now sticky
Added better SSO support
Same changes as 1.4.0 cloud
Improved performance
Fixed rare bug with license key validation
You can restrict user registration and login within selected domains
Swagger API Host domain changes according the ENV variable if needed