
This article helps with basic navigation of the Folders functionality of Decision Rules

Clicking on a Folder selects it and displays the contents on the screen.

Folders overview screen controls bar

The View, Filter and Sort by selectors help us manage which rules we'd like to display.

The View selector lets us choose whether to display only the rules inside our selected Folder or all rules across the entire Space we're currently in.

Using the Filter selector, we can define the types of rules to be displayed.

Lastly, the Sort by selector controls the ordering of the displayed rules.

  • Name - Sorts rules in an alphabetical order by name

  • Time - Sorts rules from the latest updated rule to the oldest.

  • Default - Sorts rules as they appear in the Folder manager.

The controls bar also lets us create new Rules inside the current Folder or import existing Rules into it.

Folders tree controls

At the top of the Folders manager you can find four controls icons.

Right-clicking the items

Right-clicking on Rules and Folders in the Folder manager brings up different context menus.

The Search functionality

Underneath the Folders header is a Search input field. Entering characters then filters your rules to show only the ones containing your input.

Export Folder

Clicking on the "Export folder" option in the context menu allows you to initiate the process of exporting the selected folder and its contents to JSON format.

Export example
    "export": {
        "exportType": "FOLDER",
        "version": 1,
        "createdAt": "2023-08-02T10:13:03.825Z",
        "data": {
            "structure": {
                "id": "f600f63a-2281-669a-9aa6-1aa3110ccc26",
                "name": "Test Import",
                "type": "FOLDER",
                "children": [
                        "baseId": "595e7659-641d-8200-ba42-40b683ca1c5c",
                        "type": "RULE",
                        "version": 1
                        "baseId": "6fb875d8-5e1a-4139-7d47-c22fea912c0b",
                        "type": "RULE",
                        "version": 1
            "rules": [
                    "name": "Scripting rule 2",
                    "description": "Sample scripting rule",
                    "inputSchema": {
                        "value1": {},
                        "value2": {}
                    "outputSchema": {
                        "result": {}
                    "script": "/* \n    1.  Input variables\n    Input body is set in input variable \n*/\nlet a = input.value1;\nlet b = input.value2;\n\n/*\n    2.  Define simple \"multiply\" function\n*/\nfunction multiply(a, b) {\n    return a * b;\n}\n\n/*\n    3.  Execute multiply function and store value result variable\n*/\nlet resultMultiply = multiply(a, b);\n\n/*\n    4.  Set output model which is returned in REST API\n*/\noutput.result = resultMultiply;\n\n/*\n    Optionally: It is possible print values to console\n*/\nlog('Result multiply:', resultMultiply);\n\n/*\n    5.  Return output  \n*/\nreturn output;",
                    "type": "complex-rule",
                    "status": "published",
                    "auditLog": {
                        "active": false,
                        "debug": {
                            "active": false
                        "ttl": 14
                    "ruleId": "595e7659-641d-8200-ba42-40b683ca1c5c",
                    "baseId": "595e7659-641d-8200-ba42-40b683ca1c5c",
                    "version": 1,
                    "ruleAlias": "specific-roadrunner",
                    "createdIn": "2023-08-02T08:12:56.738Z",
                    "lastUpdate": "2023-08-02T08:12:56.738Z",
                    "tags": []
                    "name": "Scripting rule 1",
                    "description": "Sample scripting rule",
                    "inputSchema": {
                        "value1": {},
                        "value2": {}
                    "outputSchema": {
                        "result": {}
                    "script": "/* \n    1.  Input variables\n    Input body is set in input variable \n*/\nlet a = input.value1;\nlet b = input.value2;\n\n/*\n    2.  Define simple \"multiply\" function\n*/\nfunction multiply(a, b) {\n    return a * b;\n}\n\n/*\n    3.  Execute multiply function and store value result variable\n*/\nlet resultMultiply = multiply(a, b);\n\n/*\n    4.  Set output model which is returned in REST API\n*/\noutput.result = resultMultiply;\n\n/*\n    Optionally: It is possible print values to console\n*/\nlog('Result multiply:', resultMultiply);\n\n/*\n    5.  Return output  \n*/\nreturn output;",
                    "type": "complex-rule",
                    "status": "published",
                    "auditLog": {
                        "active": false,
                        "debug": {
                            "active": false
                        "ttl": 14
                    "ruleId": "6fb875d8-5e1a-4139-7d47-c22fea912c0b",
                    "baseId": "6fb875d8-5e1a-4139-7d47-c22fea912c0b",
                    "version": 1,
                    "ruleAlias": "interested-mackerel",
                    "createdIn": "2023-08-02T08:12:42.965Z",
                    "lastUpdate": "2023-08-02T08:12:42.965Z",
                    "tags": []

Warning dialog

Folder to export contains rules that have connections or dependencies with other rules located outside of the export folder. Such dependencies might be crucial for the proper functioning of the rules, and exporting the folder without considering these dependencies could lead to errors or issues.

Possible errors

  • Rule not in folder - exported rule has a dependency outside of the exported folder

  • Rule not found - rule with the identifier (id, alias) was not found

  • Duplicity id / alias - more rules with the same identifier (id, alias)

Rule dependencies won't be found when rules point to each other dynamically (e.g., using for loop).

Import Folder

Clicking on the "Import" option in the context menu allows you to initiate the process of importing folder into the selected folder. The expected format of the file to import is JSON.

When importing a folder, it may take a bit longer to process. The duration of the import process can vary depending on the number of rules and subfolders in the folder.

Import Example
    "export": {
        "exportType": "FOLDER",
        "version": 1,
        "createdAt": "2023-08-02T10:13:03.825Z",
        "data": {
            "structure": {
                "id": "f600f63a-2281-669a-9aa6-1aa3110ccc26",
                "name": "Test Import",
                "type": "FOLDER",
                "children": [
                        "baseId": "595e7659-641d-8200-ba42-40b683ca1c5c",
                        "type": "RULE",
                        "version": 1
                        "baseId": "6fb875d8-5e1a-4139-7d47-c22fea912c0b",
                        "type": "RULE",
                        "version": 1
            "rules": [
                    "name": "Scripting rule 2",
                    "description": "Sample scripting rule",
                    "inputSchema": {
                        "value1": {},
                        "value2": {}
                    "outputSchema": {
                        "result": {}
                    "script": "/* \n    1.  Input variables\n    Input body is set in input variable \n*/\nlet a = input.value1;\nlet b = input.value2;\n\n/*\n    2.  Define simple \"multiply\" function\n*/\nfunction multiply(a, b) {\n    return a * b;\n}\n\n/*\n    3.  Execute multiply function and store value result variable\n*/\nlet resultMultiply = multiply(a, b);\n\n/*\n    4.  Set output model which is returned in REST API\n*/\noutput.result = resultMultiply;\n\n/*\n    Optionally: It is possible print values to console\n*/\nlog('Result multiply:', resultMultiply);\n\n/*\n    5.  Return output  \n*/\nreturn output;",
                    "type": "complex-rule",
                    "status": "published",
                    "auditLog": {
                        "active": false,
                        "debug": {
                            "active": false
                        "ttl": 14
                    "ruleId": "595e7659-641d-8200-ba42-40b683ca1c5c",
                    "baseId": "595e7659-641d-8200-ba42-40b683ca1c5c",
                    "version": 1,
                    "ruleAlias": "specific-roadrunner",
                    "createdIn": "2023-08-02T08:12:56.738Z",
                    "lastUpdate": "2023-08-02T08:12:56.738Z",
                    "tags": []
                    "name": "Scripting rule 1",
                    "description": "Sample scripting rule",
                    "inputSchema": {
                        "value1": {},
                        "value2": {}
                    "outputSchema": {
                        "result": {}
                    "script": "/* \n    1.  Input variables\n    Input body is set in input variable \n*/\nlet a = input.value1;\nlet b = input.value2;\n\n/*\n    2.  Define simple \"multiply\" function\n*/\nfunction multiply(a, b) {\n    return a * b;\n}\n\n/*\n    3.  Execute multiply function and store value result variable\n*/\nlet resultMultiply = multiply(a, b);\n\n/*\n    4.  Set output model which is returned in REST API\n*/\noutput.result = resultMultiply;\n\n/*\n    Optionally: It is possible print values to console\n*/\nlog('Result multiply:', resultMultiply);\n\n/*\n    5.  Return output  \n*/\nreturn output;",
                    "type": "complex-rule",
                    "status": "published",
                    "auditLog": {
                        "active": false,
                        "debug": {
                            "active": false
                        "ttl": 14
                    "ruleId": "6fb875d8-5e1a-4139-7d47-c22fea912c0b",
                    "baseId": "6fb875d8-5e1a-4139-7d47-c22fea912c0b",
                    "version": 1,
                    "ruleAlias": "interested-mackerel",
                    "createdIn": "2023-08-02T08:12:42.965Z",
                    "lastUpdate": "2023-08-02T08:12:42.965Z",
                    "tags": []

The imported rules and folders will be assigned with new unique IDs. However, the dependencies between the rules will remain the same.

Last updated