Console Logs API

The Console Logs API is a secure REST API that provides console logs.

Get Console Logs

This endpoint allows you to get console logs of specific solve.

Get Console Logs for a solve


Query Parameters




CorrelationId of specific solve





Bearer <Solver API Key>

If you're using the Regional Cloud version of DecisionRules, read more about API calls here.

You can get the correlationId parameter from the response Header of the Rule Solver API. The correlation id is stored under the response header key X-Correlation-Id. It is generated by the solver upon every run unless the user specifies their own correlation id in the request header.

Note that console logs are only generated in debug mode. If you are using Test Bench, just click the Debug button. If you are sending requests via the Rule Solver API, you can activate debug mode by providing your request with the X-Debug header set to "true".

Console Logs lifetime

The console logs are stored for 10 minutes at this moment.


The logs themselves are different for each type of rule. However, the basic structure of the response is always the same. It will be similar to the following.

        "_id": "637f74324713c83aa450e38b",
        "apiKey": {
            "created": "2022-05-13T08:44:34.950Z",
            "type": "SOLVER",
            "key": "QyjvIdGhdDgUP6_Leko2DOyYaoSIA0axZlVcRrxbJzHazTOMn03GA5kiuIzgIw5z",
            "id": "6d4153a3-a215-e8e2-17bf-cd77534d07ff",
            "name": "S"
        "id": "bdb5ac23-970c-146e-efe7-d49511f14b82",
        "time": "2022-11-24T13:40:02.184Z",
        "logs": [...],
        "baseId": "086233c6-8e45-0d88-328e-5e20fa544d2c",
        "input": {
            "productType": "basic",
            "period": "month",
            "promoCode": "SUMMER SALE"
        "output": [
                "prices": {
                    "finalPrice": 5.6,
                    "crudePrice": 8
                "message": "30% discount"
        "correlationId": "efc66cc4-e942-c687-74dc-67b0b1fdde49"

Last updated

Change request #843: Audit API chages