Roadmap 🚲 🗺️
Public roadmap
What is the roadmap about?
This section will inform you about our future intention of making even a better application for your use adding new features regularly.
Some of the features don't have to meet the dates we set. It can be added sooner or later. We aim to always focus on the most important things and customer needs.
Q2 2024 In Progress
We will release a brand new rule type – the workflow – which will allow you to easily build complex flows of rules with support for branching, external API calls, in-rule scripting, possibility to call other rules with different strategies, data transformations, and much more.
Calculation Columns
We will enrich the decision table with calculation columns so that you can perform custom calculations anywhere in the table, even in the conditions section.
Decision Table UI/UX Improvements
We are committed to provide some important improvements of the decision table UI/UX to make to work with decision table more smooth and effortless. We will improve the behavior of individual cell and make its editing easier, and add ways for easier value transfer across cells.
Q1 2024 Delivered
Organization Delivered
We will allow for centralized management of spaces, accounts, and permissions by an organization admin. The admin will be able to invite new members to the organization and perform actions like listing or removing the member accounts. Likewise, the admin will be able to manage the organization spaces and control the permissions of the members for the individual spaces.
Folders API Delivered
We will provide new endpoints for the Management API dedicated to managing folders. You will be able to perform all the basic CRUD operations over folders, and manage rules in the folder structure via the new API endpoints. These will naturally expand the Management API capabilities to folders and enable you to perform complex rule migrations.
Portuguese Translation Delivered
We are constantly trying to improve our accessibility for the international audience. After English and Spanish, we will provide a translation of the whole app to Portuguese. Fique atento!
Q4 2023 Delivered
DecisionRules Academy Delivered
We will open a whole new platform for our business users to easily and effortlessly learn DecisionRules through a series of simple tutorials rich in screenshots and gifs.
Authentication via OAUTH Postponed
We will enable to authenticate your calls to the Solver API via OAUTH as a more secure alternative to API Keys.
Dictionary Postponed
We will introduce a new type of rule which will allow the user to set up a collection of constant values to be used in other rules within the space. These values will be easily editable and accessible. You will be able to use dictionary for storing configurations or as a simple lookup table.
Decision Tree Differences Delivered
We will add the functionality of comparing two decision trees. The user will be able to see the tree differences, merge the content from the secondary tree or edit the primary tree arbitrarily. This feature will greatly simplify handling conflicts between distinct versions of decision trees.
Rule Lock Delivered
Lately, our customers have been asking us about a way to lock an important / production rule to protect it from change or deletion. We will implement this feature for you. There will be special permissions needed for managing the lock, so you can easily prevent some users from editing the locked rules.
Custom Logo Branding Delivered
You can have the application show the logo of your company instead of the default DecisionRules logo. This is the first step of our custom branding, which will allow you to choose the logo, colors and types matching your company's visual identity. Available only for on-premise or private (managed) cloud solutions.
JS SDK Update Delivered
We will update our most used SDK to include the newest API endpoints, be aligned with the documentation and covered by automatic unit tests.
Q3 2023 Delivered
Decision Table Differences Delivered
We will add the functionality of comparing two decision tables. The user will be able to see the table differences, merge the content from the secondary table or edit the primary table arbitrarily. This feature will greatly simplify handling conflicts between distinct versions of decision tables.
Decision Tree Differences Postponed
We will add the functionality of comparing two decision trees. The user will be able to see the tree differences, merge the content from the secondary tree or edit the primary tree arbitrarily. This feature will greatly simplify handling conflicts between distinct versions of decision trees.
Teamwork Indicator Delivered
We will let you know who is currently viewing the same rule as you. This will help you organize your teamwork and prevent problems stemming from mutual interference of rule editors.
Dependencies Delivered
We will allow users to view and search dependencies of all types of rules. Thanks to this, you will be able to quickly and easily see all the rules that enter a given process. The dependency search will also help when performing group operations over rules, e.g. to check whether a given operation does not break your process. The functionality will be available both in the app and via Management API.
Folder Export & Import Delivered
Have you ever wondered why you cannot export multiple rules at once? Well, we will bring this capability soon. You will be able to export the whole folder with all its rules to a single file and import it back. This way, you will be able to simply create backup files or share rules between spaces or even environments with one click.
Q2 2023 Delivered
24/7 Service Line Delivered
We launched 24/7 service line support and we are now able to respond to critical issues in the matter of hours, day and night. This is mainly important for our larger customers who need robust and fast support all around the world.
Regional Clouds Delivered
In addition to our global cloud, we launched three individual regional clouds for Europe, the USA, and Australia. Each regional cloud has its own environment and database so it can be guaranteed that all data are stored only in the respective region. Thanks to this, you may now use DecisionRules as a service while still keeping aligned with your data residency policy.
Scripting Rule Diffs Delivered
We added the functionality of comparing two scripting rules. It is now possible to view the differences between two scripting rules and edit the primary scripting rule, reflecting the differences in the way you like. This feature will greatly simplify handling conflicts between distinct versions of scripting rules. Similar rule comparison features are planned for decision tables and decision trees.
Languages Delivered
We added support for languages and provided translations into Czech and Spanish.
Rule Alias Support Delivered
We will add support for using rule alias instead of rule ID within Management API. Thanks to this, you will be able to use rule aliases for most operations concerning rules. Together with this, we will make a general revision of security and effectiveness within the business logic treating rules and spaces.
Q1 2023 Delivered
Folders in spaces Delivered
We will bring better organization of rules using folders for larger spaces. We would like to enable user and automated transfer of folders between spaces or individual physically separated environments.
Include or Exclude DecisionTable columns in Solver API Delivered
Our customers requested the possibility of specifying which conditions columns will be activated when calling a decision table via the Rule Solver API. It is now possible to include or exclude columns, making the solve of decision table even more flexible.
Dynamic JSON in Decision Tables and Decision Trees Delivered
This feature will make it possible to create parametrizable JSON objects and fundamentally expand the possibilities of decision tables and decision trees when using integration functions or changing output data in JSON format.
Hiding the content of individual decision tree nodes Postponed
We would like to make decision tree nodes collapsible to improve the overall experience when editing decision trees.
Simplifying the migration of rules between environments Delivered
Migration of rules is a big topic for us lately. So far, one can only manage single rules via Management API. We therefore want to provide a free customizable migration tool for anyone to use.
Q4 2022 Delivered
Folders in spaces Completed, Released in January 2023
We will bring better organization of rules using folders for larger spaces. We would like to enable user and automated transfer of folders between spaces or individual physically separated environments.
Simplifying the migration of rules between spaces / environments Delivered
We would like to enable easier transfer of multiple linked rules between spaces and environments. You will be able to prepare and test the entire rules release, which you can then easily transfer to another space or environment.
Platform upgrade to new LTS version Delivered
Now is a good time to switch to the new major LTS versions of the AWS platform that power our public cloud.
Default match for Decision Table Delivered
We will simplify the possibility of returning the default output in the event that no row in the decision table is fulfilled.
Minor improvement of working with functions in Decision Table and Decision Tree Delivered
Minor improvement of main dashboard to add links to specific rule/s in history of changes Delivered
Q3 2022 Delivered
External API call from scripting rules Delivered
We would like to enable our customers to pull data from external sources in a rule using the REST API and do a simple data transformation on it.
RuleFlow in RuleFlow Delivered
We would like to allow our customers to nest RuleFlows within other RuleFlows.
RuleFlow upgrade (planning and analysis) Delivered
With the growing number of users, we have received a large number of requests to improve RuleFlow. We would like to clarify the requirements and then implement some of them. You definitely have something to look forward to.
Sector specific use-cases Delivered
We come across many interesting use-cases in which you use DecisionRules. We would like to outline and describe the main trends in individual sectors in such a way that it is clear how to use DecisionRules and where it has the greatest added value. We believe that this will save you some time in implementation projects.
Advanced Functions and Expressions Delivered
Our advanced features are often used in Decision Tables and Decision Trees. We're taking our feature and expression editing to a whole new level. We'll let you edit rules using VS Code on the web.
External API call from Scripting rules , Decision Tables and Decision Trees Delivered
We would like to enable our customers to pull data from external sources in a rule using the REST API and do a simple data transformation on it.
Strongly typed JS/TS SDK Delivered
Video tutorials Postponed
Simple and fast work is written in our DNA. Many customers write to us why we do not yet have a video tutorial to show how easy it is to work with DecisionRules. ... Working on it.
Q2 2022 Delivered
Decision Trees Delivered
The new structure of decision trees will make your rule to edit process easier and faster because of a tree structure.
User friendly way to test rules Delivered
We want non-technical users to feel good with us. That's why we're working on how to easily enter input data into rules and how to display them easily. The possibility of using the JSON format will of course be retained.
External API call from scripting rules Delivered
We are gradually expanding our platform to make it easier from an integration perspective. According to customer votes, this is also related to the possibility of calling external APIs from the scripting rule.
Public & Managed Cloud Advanced Monitoring Delivered
DecisionRules handles millions of rules per month. Related to this is the constant improvement of our monitoring so that we can better prevent problems before they occur.
DecisionRules on Azure & AWS Marketplace Azure Delivered
We know that for many of you it is difficult to try DecisionRules in on-premise mode on your infrastructure. For new users who are about to try DecisionRules on AWS/Azure, we are trying to create a 1-click solution for installation from the Azure/AWS Marketplace.
RuleFlow available in Scripting Rules Delivered
Business Intelligence API Delivered
Better Power BI integration for on-premise and cloud users
Reworked SDKs on GitHub Delivered
ARM64 Docker Container Support Delivered
Q1 2022 Delivered
Rule Tagging Delivered
Rule Tagging in Management API Delivered
Audit Change log Delivered
Monitoring log Delivered
Advanced management API Delivered
CSV Import/Export Delivered
Rules Library Postponed
Each rule made by the user can be saved in the library. Those rules will be able within the space regarding permissions. It can be helpful for rules which are used more often, for example, client validation.
Decision Trees Delivered
The new structure of decision trees will make your rule to edit process easier and faster because of a tree structure.
Better SSO Support Delivered
Q4 2021 Delivered
Advanced permissions Delivered
Ability to assign permissions to the user within the space. Permissions will be granular, so creating your own sets of permissions will be available.
Bulk decision making Delivered
Evaluate more rules simultaneously, for example sending 100 inputs, and the output will be for the same amount as input was.
Better operator & function visualization Delivered
General overview of decision tables and easier display of help for operators and functions.
User Variables Delivered for Decision Tables
Define variables in the rule settings, which you can then use indefinitely in the decision table
The variables are versioned together with the rule
Education videos
Guide/how-to videos alongside our documentation.
Rule flow Smaller Features
Export/import rule flow, sharing in between the spaces, graphical changes, connecting rule flows through more spaces,...
Apache Kafka Connector Delivered
Asynchronous Kafka Messages Support for Cloud and On Premise Version (Apache Kafka Solver API)
Advanced GeoCluster Delivered
Faster resolution of rules across the globe
Increased resistance to outages
Q3 2021 Delivered
Rule Flow Delivered
This feature will provide an ability to put rule after rule to make a "chain," which will be executed as one rule made of more.
Downloadable Docker containers Delivered
If you don't want to use our web app, you can download and configure the Docker container in your environment.
Decision Tables operations Delivered
Filter, order by, and search functions over decision tables in the application to a better overview and edit the tables.
Basic Management API Delivered
Management API allows making operation with spaces/rules even without a need of using UI of DecisionRules, such as retrieve the rule lists with the appropriate information.
Mass operations over the rules Delivered
Editing, adding or deleting more rows in the table at the same time.
Last updated
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