Array Functions

List of array functions

Deprecated functions







The below provided decision table contains examples of all the supported array functions (excluding the deprecated ones). Import the decision table to your space to see them working.


Below you will find the specifications of all the array functions.

Pick values from and array of nested objects (ARRAY_PICK)

Given an array of objects and a JSON path to certain (string) values nested inside these objects, the ARRAY_PICK function picks these values and returns them in an array.

  • Requires 2 arguments: the array and the path.

  • The first argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • The second argument must be a string specifying JSON path to the desired string values.

The JSON path is simply the sequence of keys separated by dots. You can access elements in an array by writing the index of the element in square brackets behind the key pointing to that array. Note that elements in an array are indexed from 0! For example, animals[0] points to the first element of the animals array.

INPUT1 = [
INPUT2 = [
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A2", "price":22},
        {"code":"B3", "price":11}
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A5", "price":55},
        {"code":"B8", "price":88}
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_PICK({INPUT1}, "order.code")        --> ["A", "B", "C"]
ARRAY_PICK({INPUT2}, "order[0].code")     --> ["A2", "A5"]
ARRAY_PICK({INPUT2}, "order[1].price")    --> [11, 88]

Map array to another array (ARRAY_MAP)

Thanks to ARRAY_MAP, you can transform an array of values or objects to another array. Given an array and a representation of a custom function of a single argument, the ARRAY_MAP function applies the custom function to every element of the given array and returns the resulting array.

  • Requires 3 arguments: the array, name of a custom argument and a custom function.

  • The first argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • The second argument must be a string specifying the name of a custom argument.

  • The third argument must be a function of the custom argument.

INPUT = [1,2,3]
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_MAP({INPUT}, "x", SUM({x},1))   --> [2,3,4]
ARRAY_MAP({INPUT}, "z", TIMES(3,{z})) --> [3,6,9]
ARRAY_MAP({INPUT}, "element", CONCAT_WS(" ", "number", {element}))
                                      --> ["number 1","number 2","number 3"]

Reduce array with custom function (ARRAY_REDUCE)

Thanks to ARRAY_REDUCE, you can reduce an array of values to a single value. Given an array and a representation of a custom function of 2 arguments, the ARRAY_REDUCE function applies the custom function successively (to the first couple of elements, to the result and the third element, to the result and the fourth element, etc.) and returns the resulting value.

  • Requires 4 arguments: the array, 2 names of custom arguments and a custom function.

  • The first argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • The second argument must be a string specifying the name of the first custom argument.

  • The third argument must be a string specifying the name of the second custom argument.

  • The last, fourth argument must be a function of the 2 custom arguments.

INPUT1 = [1,2,3,4]
INPUT2 = [true,true,false]
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_REDUCE({INPUT1}, "x", "y", SUM({x},{y}))     --> 10
ARRAY_REDUCE({INPUT1}, "a", "b", TIMES({a},{b}))   --> 24
ARRAY_REDUCE({INPUT1}, "word1", "word2", CONCAT_WS("_",{word1},{word2}))
                                                   --> "1_2_3_4"
ARRAY_REDUCE({INPUT2}, "a", "b", AND({a},{b}))     --> false
ARRAY_REDUCE({INPUT2}, "a", "b", OR({a},{b}))      --> true

Filter array with custom function (ARRAY_FILTER)

The ARRAY_FILTER function filters an array based on a custom function and returns another array with a subset of the elements of the original array.

  • Requires 3 arguments: the array, a name of a custom argument and a custom function.

  • The first argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • The second argument must be a string specifying the name of the custom argument.

  • The third argument must be a function of the custom argument returning a boolean value.

INPUT1 = [1,8,12,4]

INPUT2 = [
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_FILTER({INPUT1}, "x", LT({x},5))    --> [1,4]
ARRAY_FILTER({INPUT2}, "a", EQ(PICK({a},"code"),"B"))
--> [

Check if array includes an element (ARRAY_INCLUDES)

Checks whether an array includes a given element.

  • Requires 2 arguments: the array and the element to search for.

  • The first argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • The second argument can have any value.

[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_INCLUDES([1,5,10],6)                              --> false
ARRAY_INCLUDES([1,5,10],5)                              --> true
ARRAY_INCLUDES({INPUT},{"code":"A","quantity":"3"})     --> true

Flatten an array (ARRAY_FLATTEN)

Flatten an array of arrays up to the specified depth.

  • Takes 1 or 2 arguments

  • The first argument is a string to flatten.

  • The second optional argument specifies the depth to which to flatten the array (by default the argument is flattened into one dimension).

  • If the first provided argument isn't an array the function returns null

  • The second optional argument has to be a positive Integer, else the function returns null

INPUT = [1, 2, [3,4], [[5]]]

[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_FLATTEN({INPUT})   --> [1,2,3,4,5]
ARRAY_FLATTEN({INPUT}, 1) --> [1,2,3,4,[5]]
ARRAY_FLATTEN({INPUT}, "string") --> null
ARRAY_FLATTEN({INPUT}, -1) --> null

Summation over an array (ARRAY_SUM) (deprecated)

This function is deprecated. Use SUM instead (if you need to get nested values, you can use SUM in combination with ARRAY_PICK).

Given an array of numeric values (or alternatively objects), ARRAY_SUM returns their sum.

  • Requires 1 argument, the array.

  • The argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • There can be a second optional argument of type string specifying JSON path to numeric values nested within the elements of the array (in case they are objects).

  • Can be a part of an embedded function.

The json path is simply the sequence of keys separated by dots. You can access elements in an array by writing the index of the element in square brackets behind the key pointing to that array. Note that elements in an array are indexed from 0! For example, animals[0] points to the first element of the animals array.

INPUT1 = [1,2,3]

INPUT2 = [
INPUT3 = [
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A2", "price":22},
        {"code":"B3", "price":11}
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A5", "price":55},
        {"code":"B8", "price":88}
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_SUM({INPUT1})                       --> 6
ARRAY_SUM({INPUT2}, "order.price")        --> 90
ARRAY_SUM({INPUT3}, "order[0].price")     --> 77
ARRAY_SUM({INPUT3}, "order[1].price")     --> 99

Concatenation over an array (ARRAY_CONCAT) (deprecated)

This function is deprecated. Use CONCAT instead (if you need to get nested values, you can use CONCAT in combination with ARRAY_PICK).

Given an array of string values (or alternatively objects), the ARRAY_CONCAT function concatenates these values and returns the concatenated string.

  • Requires 1 argument, the array.

  • The argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • There can be a second optional argument of type string specifying JSON path to numeric values nested within the elements of the array (in case they are objects).

  • Can be a part of an embedded function.

The json path is simply the sequence of keys separated by dots. You can access elements in an array by writing the index of the element in square brackets behind the key pointing to that array. Note that elements in an array are indexed from 0! For example, animals[0] points to the first element of the animals array.

INPUT1 = ["a","b","c"]

INPUT2 = [
INPUT3 = [
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A2", "price":22},
        {"code":"B3", "price":11}
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A5", "price":55},
        {"code":"B8", "price":88}
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_CONCAT({INPUT1})                      --> "abc"
ARRAY_CONCAT({INPUT3}, "order[0].code")     --> "A2A5"
ARRAY_CONCAT({INPUT3}, "order[1].code")     --> "B3B8"

Concatenation over an array with a separator (ARRAY_CONCAT_WS) (deprecated)

This function is deprecated. Use CONCAT_WS instead (if you need to get nested values, you can use CONCAT_WS in combination with ARRAY_PICK).

Given a separator and an array of string values (or alternatively objects), the ARRAY_CONCAT_WS function concatenates these values with the given separator and returns the concatenated string.

  • Requires 2 arguments: the separator and the array.

  • The first argument must be a string separator.

  • The second argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • There can be a third optional argument of type string specifying JSON path to numeric values nested within the elements of the array (in case they are objects).

  • String arguments should be enclosed in "".

The json path is simply the sequence of keys separated by dots. You can access elements in an array by writing the index of the element in square brackets behind the key pointing to that array. Note that elements in an array are indexed from 0! For example, animals[0] points to the first element of the animals array.

INPUT1 = ["a","b","c"]

INPUT2 = [
INPUT3 = [
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A2", "price":22},
        {"code":"B3", "price":11}
    {"order": [
        {"code":"A5", "price":55},
        {"code":"B8", "price":88}
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_CONCAT_WS("_", {INPUT1})                      --> "a_b_c"
ARRAY_CONCAT_WS("_", {INPUT2}, "order.code")        --> "A_B_C"
ARRAY_CONCAT_WS("_", {INPUT3}, "order[0].code")     --> "A2_A5"
ARRAY_CONCAT_WS(" ", {INPUT3}, "order[1].code")     --> "B3 B8"

Logical conjunction over an array (ARRAY_AND) (deprecated)

This function is deprecated. Use AND instead (if you need to get nested values, you can use AND in combination with ARRAY_PICK).

Given an array of boolean values (or alternatively objects), ARRAY_AND returns their logical conjunction.

  • Requires 1 argument, the array.

  • The argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • There can be a second optional argument of type string specifying JSON path to numeric values nested within the elements of the array (in case they are objects).

  • Can be a part of an embedded function.

The json path is simply the sequence of keys separated by dots. You can access elements in an array by writing the index of the element in square brackets behind the key pointing to that array. Note that elements in an array are indexed from 0! For example, animals[0] points to the first element of the animals array.

INPUT1 = [true,true,false]

INPUT2 = [
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_AND({INPUT1})                   --> false
ARRAY_AND({INPUT2}, "order.sent")     --> true

Logical disjunction over an array (ARRAY_OR) (deprecated)

This function is deprecated. Use OR instead (if you need to get nested values, you can use OR in combination with ARRAY_PICK).

Given an array of boolean values (or alternatively objects), ARRAY_OR returns their logical disjunction.

  • Requires 1 argument, the array.

  • The argument must be a variable or another function returning an array.

  • There can be a second optional argument of type string specifying JSON path to numeric values nested within the elements of the array (in case they are objects).

  • Can be a part of an embedded function.

The json path is simply the sequence of keys separated by dots. You can access elements in an array by writing the index of the element in square brackets behind the key pointing to that array. Note that elements in an array are indexed from 0! For example, animals[0] points to the first element of the animals array.

INPUT1 = [true,false,false]

INPUT2 = [
[function] --> [output]

ARRAY_OR({INPUT1})                   --> true
ARRAY_OR({INPUT2}, "order.sent")     --> false

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