Logical Functions

List of logical functions

  • EQ

  • GT

  • GTE

  • LT

  • LTE

  • NE

  • BTW




  • AND

  • OR



  • IF

  • NOT

Deprecated functions


Equal (EQ)

Returns true if two values are equal to each other, or false otherwise.

  • Takes 2 arguments.

input1 = 3
input2 = [1,3]

[function] --> [output]

EQ(10,10)                     --> true
EQ(10,15)                     --> false
EQ(10,"10")                   --> true
EQ(10,"aa")                   --> false
EQ({input1},3)                --> true
EQ("a","a")                   --> true
EQ([1,3],{input2})            --> true
EQ({"price":10},{"price":11}) --> false

EQ(10)                        --> invalid

Greater than (GT)

Returns true if the first value is greater than the second value, or false otherwise.

  • Takes 2 arguments.

  • Both arguments have to be numbers, variables or strings.

  • When used with strings, it returns true or false based on their alphabetical order.

input = 4

[function] --> [output]

GT(20,10)         --> true
GT(20,20)         --> false
GT({input},3)     --> true
GT("a","a")       --> false
GT("b","a")       --> true

GT(15)            --> invalid

Greater than or equal (GTE)

Returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value, or false otherwise.

  • Takes 2 arguments.

  • Both arguments have to be numbers, variables or strings.

  • When used with strings, it returns true or false based on their alphabetical order.

input = 4

[function] --> [output]

GTE(20,10)         --> true
GTE(20,20)         --> true
GTE({input},3)     --> true
GTE("a","a")       --> true
GTE("b","a")       --> true

GTE(15)            --> invalid

Less than (LT)

Returns true if the first value is lower than the second value.

  • Takes 2 arguments.

  • Both arguments have to be numbers, variables or strings.

  • When used with strings, it returns true or false based on their alphabetical order.

input = 4

[function] --> [output]

LT(10,20)         --> true
LT(10,10)         --> false
LT(3,{input})     --> true
LT("a","a")       --> false
LT("a","b")       --> true

LT(15)            --> invalid

Less than or equal (LTE)

Returns true if the first value is less than or equal to the second value.

  • Takes 2 arguments.

  • Both arguments have to be numbers, variables or strings.

  • When used with strings, it returns true or false based on their alphabetical order.

input = 4

[function] --> [output]

LTE(10,20)         --> true
LTE(20,20)         --> true
LTE(3,{input})     --> true
LTE("a","a")       --> true
LTE("a","b")       --> true

LTE(15)            --> invalid

Not equal (NE)

Returns true if the first value is not equal to the second value.

  • Takes 2 arguments.

input = 2

[function] --> [output]

NE(10,20)         --> true
NE({input},3)     --> true
NE(20,10)         --> true
NE("a","b")       --> true
NE(20,20)         --> false

NE("a")           --> invalid

Between (BTW)

Returns true if the second value is between the first and the third value, meaning in particular that first argument ≤ second argument ≤ third argument.

  • Takes 3 arguments.

input = 12

[function] --> [output]

BTW(10,15,20)         --> true
BTW(10,10,20)         --> true
BTW(10,{input},20)    --> true
BTW("a","f","z")      --> true
BTW(10,8,20)          --> false
BTW(20,10,15)         --> false

BTW(20,10)            --> invalid

Between left open (BTW_LEFT_OPEN)

Returns true if the second value is between the first (excluding) and the third (including) value, meaning in particular that first argument < second argument ≤ third argument.

  • Takes 3 arguments.

Between right open (BTW_RIGHT_OPEN)

Returns true if the second value is between the first (including) and the third (excluding) value, meaning in particular that first argument ≤ second argument < third argument.

  • Takes 3 arguments.

And (AND)

Returns true if all of its arguments evaluate to true.

  • Must have at least 1 argument.

  • Arguments have to be booleans, numbers or variables.

  • If the argument is a number, 0 is evaluated as false and anything else as true.

  • Alternatively, OR can take an array of values in any argument.

input = true

[function] --> [output]

AND(true,EQ(10,10))         --> true
AND(LT(10,10),GTE(10,10))   --> false
AND(true,EQ(10,20))         --> false
AND(true, {input}, false)   --> false
AND([true,true,true])       --> true
AND(1,true)                 --> true

AND("a","b")                --> invalid

Or (OR)

Returns true if at least one of its arguments evaluates to true.

  • Must have at least 1 argument.

  • Arguments have to be booleans, numbers or variables.

  • If the argument is a number, 0 is evaluated as false and anything else as true.

  • Alternatively, OR can take an array of values in any argument.

input = true

[function] --> [output]

OR(false,EQ(10,10))        --> true
OR(LT(10,10),GTE(10,10))   --> true
OR(false,EQ(10,20))        --> false
OR(false, false, {input})  --> true
OR([true,false,false])     --> true
OR(1,true)                 --> true

OR("a","b")                --> invalid

Is null (IS_NULL)

Returns true if the value is null (empty).

  • Must have 1 argument.

input1 = {}
input2 = null
input3 = "null"
input4 = "abc"
input5 = 3

[function] --> [output]

IS_NULL(input1)   --> true
IS_NULL(input2)   --> true
IS_NULL(input3)   --> true
IS_NULL(input4)   --> false
IS_NULL(input5)   --> false

IS_NULL("abc")    --> false
IS_NULL(3)        --> false

Is not null (IS_NOT_NULL)

Returns true if the value is not null (empty).

  • Must have 1 argument.

input1 = {}
input2 = null
input3 = "null"
input4 = "abc"
input5 = 3

[function] --> [output]

IS_NOT_NULL(input1)   --> false
IS_NOT_NULL(input2)   --> false
IS_NOT_NULL(input3)   --> false
IS_NOT_NULL(input4)   --> true
IS_NOT_NULL(input5)   --> true

IS_NOT_NULL("abc")    --> true
IS_NOT_NULL(3)        --> true

Negation (NOT)

Returns the opposite of a boolean value.

  • Must have 1 argument.

input = false

[function] --> [output]

NOT(true)          --> false
NOT({input})       --> true
NOT(LT(1,4))       --> false
NOT(EQ(256,256))   --> false

Condition (IF)

Returns the second argument if the first argument is true, otherwise returns the third argument.

  • Must have 3 arguments.

  • The first argument is a condition. The condition must be of the boolean type (true/false).

  • The second argument is an arbitrary value.

  • The third argument is an arbitrary value.

input = false
number = 8

[function] --> [output]

IF(true,"Input truthy","Input falsy")       --> "Input truthy"
IF({input},"Input truthy","Input falsy")    --> "Input falsy"
IF(LT(0,{number}),"Positive","Negative")    --> "Positive"

Regular expression (REGEXP) (deprecated)

This function is deprecated. Use TEST instead (see Text Functions).

Returns true if the first argument matches against a regular expression in the second argument.

  • Must have 2 arguments.

  • Arguments have to be numbers, strings or variables.

input = hello

[function] --> [output]

REGEXP("abc","bc")       --> true
REGEXP(12233,23)         --> true
REGEXP({input},"lo")     --> true
REGEXP("xxx","yy")       --> false
REGEXP("hello","ho")     --> false

REGEXP("bye")            --> invalid

Last updated

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