Environment Variables
DecisionRules Environment Variables
All variables can be set either in the docker-compose configuration file or directly as a command-line parameter before running the containers.
Server environment variables
Variable name | Description | Mandatory | Version | Example value |
REDIS_URL | Redis URL | Yes | redis(s)://host.docker.internal:6379 | |
SOLVER_REDIS_URL | Redis URL for solver | Yes | Not needed from version 1.6.0, will use REDIS_URL instead | redis(s)://host.docker.internal:6379 |
MONGO_DB_URI | Mongo URL | Yes | mongodb(+srv)://host.docker.internal:27017 | |
CLIENT_URL | Url on which client container is accessible | Yes | http://localhost:80/# (# is mandatory) | |
LICENSE_KEY | License key string | Yes | YOUR LICENSE KEY | |
DB_TYPE | Specify MongoDB type | If you use CosmosDB or DocumentDB | Available from 1.8.2 | MONGODB (default) COSMOSDB DOCUMENTDB |
License Key Validation
Your server must have access to host https://license.decisionrules.io/. You won't be able to start the container without the connectivity to the license server.
Optional server environment variables
Variable name | Description | Mandatory | Version | Example value |
BRAND_LOGO_URL | Custom brand Logo URL. Feature must be enabled in license key | No | 1.17.0 | https://example.com.img/logo.ong OR ... |
API_URL | For sophisticated On-Premise deployments. Lets the server know it's own address for Rule Flow and dependant rule solves. | No | https://api.decisionrules.io | |
SHOWCASE | Turn on or off showcase mode | No | true/false | |
WORKERS_NUMBER | Sets number of workers (threads) of application | No | 1 | |
BI_MONGO_DB_URI | If you have a separate database cluster for Business Intelligence App | No | From version 1.10.0 | mongodb(+srv)://host.docker.internal:27018 |
SAML_ENTRY_POINT | URL for your identity provider login page | No | https://devX.okta.com/app/name/HASH/sso/saml | |
SAML_ISSUER | Issuer string to supply to IdP | No | okta.com/HASH_STRING | |
SAML_CERT | Public certificate of provider. In RAW format as single line withou BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE | No | MIIC8DCCAdigAwIBAgIQap4GhMRA26tJGFD..... | |
SAML_CALLBACK_URL | Callback URL where provider send response | No | https://api.decisionrules.io/saml/callback | |
RF_TIMEOUT | Time in milliseconds after which the process of solving a rule flow is stopped | No | 5000 | |
SR_TIMEOUT | Time in milliseconds after which the process of solving a scripting rule is stopped | No | 5000 | |
RF_NODE_LIMIT | Integer of desired rule flow nodes, default value is 30 | No | 30 | |
SWAGGER_HOST | Host of the server application which will use swagger | No | api.decisionrules.io | |
WHITELIST | List of allowed domains from which it is possible to register or log in. You can setup multiple domains separated with comma. | No | mydomain.com, yourdomain.io | |
ALLOWLIST | Cultural-neutral synonym for WHITELIST. | No | mydomain.com, yourdomain.io | |
TELEMETRY | It turn on/off telemetry, which measures endpoint execution duration (for example: Solver API) | No | Available from 1.8.1 | On = 1, off = 0 |
EXAPI_MAX_CNT_LEN | Defined maximal response content length in bytes | No | 3000 | |
EXAPI_MAX_BODY_LEN | Defined maximal body size for request in bytes | No | 10000 | |
EXAPI_MAX_REDIRECTS | Defines maximal redirects that called url can perform | No | 5 | |
EXAPI_TIMEOUT | Defines API connection timeout in miliseconds | No | 2000 | |
DT_HTTP_CALL_LIMIT | Defined limit for http function that can be defined in DT or DTR | No | Available from 1.12.0 | 100 |
LOGGER_TYPE | Select log output format/logger type STRING is default value if not evn variable is set | No | Possible options: STRING JSON | |
LOGGER_TIMESTAMP_UTC | Select log timestamp format If true: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ if false: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS(+-)HH:mm | No | Available from 1.14.2 | true/false |
REDIS_PING_INTERVAL | Duration (in milliseconds) for which the server pings the Redis server. | No | Available from 1.14.3 | 300000 |
FLUSH_REDIS_ON_STARTUP | Whether cache should be flushed when server is starting. Defaults to true. | No | Available from 1.17.0 | false |
REDIS_CACERT | CA certificate for TLS connection with Redis | No | Available from 1.14.5 | CA certificate as a single line without BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE. For example(MIIC8DCCAdigAwIBAgIQap4GhMRA26tJGFD...) |
MONGO_MIN_POOL_SIZE | MongoDB connection minimal pool size | No | >= 1.16.2 | 5 |
MONGO_MAX_POOL_SIZE | MongoDB connection maximal pool size | No | >= 1.16.2 | 100 |
EXPORT_FOLDER_MEMORY_LIMIT | Memory limit on folder export | No | >=1.17.1 | 50000000 |
MEASUREMENTS | Logs the duration of each phase of the solving to the console | No | >= | true/false |
Client environment variables
Variable name | Description | Mandatory | Version | Example value |
API_URL | Url on which backend API is accessible | Yes | http://localhost:8080 | |
BI_API_URL | Url on which Business Intelligence API is accessible | No, but the features related to Business Intelligence won't work | From version 1.10.0 | http://localhost:8082 |
NGINX_PORT | Custom port on which the container will run | No | From version 1.9.3 | 80 |
Audit environment variables
Variable name | Description | Mandatory | Example value |
BI_MONGO_DB_URI | Mongo URL of Business Intelligence App | Yes | mongodb(+srv)://host.docker.internal:27017 |
MONGO_DB_URI | In case you have a separate database cluster for Server App | No | mongodb(+srv)://host.docker.internal:27018 |
WORKERS_NUMBER | Sets number of workers (threads) of application | No | 1 |
DB_TYPE | If you use CosmosDB or DocumentDB | No | MONGODB (default) COSMOSDB DOCUMENTDB |
LOGGER_TYPE | Select log output format/logger type STRING is default value if not evn variable is set | No | Possible options: STRING JSON |
LOGGER_TIMESTAMP_UTC | Select log timestamp format If true: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ if false: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS(+-)HH:mm | No | true/false |
Kafka env variables
Variable name | Description | Mandatory | Example value |
KAFKA_ENABLED | Turn Kafka on/off | Yes (Kafka is disabled by default) | 1/0 |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_CLIENTID | A logical identifier of an application. | Yes | "my-app" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_BROKERS | Broker definition | Yes | "my-broker:9092, my-broker2:9092" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SSL | SSL on/off | Yes | "true" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SASL_MECHANISM | Definition of Kafka SASL mechanism. | Yes | "plain" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SASL_USERNAME | SASL username | No | "my-username" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SASL_PASSWORD | SASL password | No | "top-secret-password" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SASL_AUTHID | SASL authorization identity for aws mechanism | No | "IDIDIDIDID" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SASL_ACCKEYID | SASL access key for aws mechanism | No | "KEYKEYKEY" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SASL_SECRETKEY | SASL secret access key for aws mechanism | No | "SECRETKEY" |
KAFKA_CLUSTER_SASL_SESSIONTOKEN | SASL session token for aws mechanism | No | "SESSIONTOKEN" |
KAFKA_GROUP_TOPIC_1 | Definition of Kafka consumer group, request topic and response topic, respectively. To define multiple topic groups, use numbers 1, 2, ..., N. Each record must have different consumer group. | Yes | "my-group, my-request-topic, my-response-topic" |
Last updated